There are several ways to scan your film at home. As legacy film scanners break down and flatbed scanner technology stagnates, digital camera scanning is quickly showing itself to be the future. CineStill carries several options that meet a wide range of needs. Here’s a couple of examples:
VALOI easy35
- Compact, portable film scanning system
- Scans film formats 35mm and smaller
- Attaches directly to a macro lens; no copy stand required
- Built-in light source with adjustable brightness and color temperature
Skier Sunray CopyBox III
- Very bright 96+ CRI light source
- Holders for 35mm, 120, and 4x5 available
- 3-stage brightness control toggle (25%,50%,100%)
- Requires copy stand or other type of camera support
For a full look at all of the digital camera scanning products we offer, visit the Scanning collection of the CineStill online store here. If you have any questions, you can contact our Customer Support team at