CineStill color films are designed for still photography C-41 processing, to be compatible with RA-4 photographic printing and still imaging scanning. Motion picture color film was designed for the ECN-2 process, to be compatible with ECP motion picture print film. ECN-2 processed negatives have a lower gamma, flatter contrast and color curves that compliment motion picture print film. CineStill may still be processed using ALL of the ECN-2 steps to create a motion picture negative. Although there is no remjet adhesive layer to contaminate and exhaust the chemicals, skipping the additional accelerant pre-bath will under-develop the film when only using the ECN-2 developer. Tests show consistent results in standard C-41 processing and printing when compared to ECN-2 motion picture lab processing and printing performed by professional labs. ECN-2 processed negatives don't make ideal still photographs. The ECN-2 process produces negatives that print well on ECP film for projection, but negatives must be processed in C-41 chemistry to be compatible with RA-4 color printing and scanning. To both labs and customers, we recommend processing all CineStill color films in standard C-41 chemistry such as CineStill Cs41.
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