This film has LATITUDE!
The ISO that one chooses to rate this film is dependent on the available light.
If you overexpose it (100 or 200) it will still retain highlight detail and fine grain. If you underexpose (up to 2000) you will still retain most shadow detail. So long as the shadow detail is preserved, the negative may be scanned to retain good color and dynamics.
Remember, grain separation becomes more severe with less exposure, and less prevalent/smoother the more exposure a color negative film receives.
From our tests and user feedback, CineStill 800T is best rated at EI (Exposure Index) 800 in tungsten light when processed in standard C-41 chemistry.
Though the original ECN-2 processed emulsion (Kodak 500T 5219) is recommended to be rated at EI 500 in tungsten light, many cinematographers and filmmakers regularly rate this film at 1000 speed with no push, due to this film's amazing shadow latitude. But the ideal ISO/EI to rate this film at will always be somewhere between 400 and 800 when without push processing.
CineStill 800T is designed for C-41 processing, which causes a slight increase in speed, resulting in a contrast curve more suitable for still printing and scanning, so we have found 800 to be right in the middle of the ideal Exposure Index range.
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Tags: 800, 800T