Df96 Monobath is a single-step solution with no need for stop bath, fixer, or any other chemicals. Monobath solutions were first proposed as far back as 1889, but only recently have the difficulties associated with their formulation been overcome.
Our monobath is unlike home concoctions or old technology that failed years ago. The main problem had been the loss of emulsion speed that results when the exposed silver halide is dissolved by the fixation process, before development can take place. Df96 uses a more effective processing technology that buffers fixing during development, and archival fixing agents that are more solvent and aid in breaking down the silver while redepositing it, to achieve crisp uniform grain and wide development latitude.
Many of the pitfalls and hazards of a multi-bath process are eliminated with this ready-to-use single-step solution, such as improper dilution, over-agitation, bubble marks, surge marks, etc. Over-processing is impossible, because the fixing action overtakes chemical development while aiding physical development, creating better image uniformity and finer grain negatives. READ MORE...
YouTube Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwaK_NaDCCg&t=19s&ab_channel=CineStillFilm
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